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💅Other paint styles to try!💅

how to have fun painting stuff

You have painted your first miniature, or maybe your first team of minis… Now what???
I spent my first year painting all models the same way: basecoat → wash → nothing else,
because i was too scared to try other stuff. That was the WORST year in my mini painting career:

I don’t want you to repeat my mistakes, so try those techniques on your next projects!

The slap-trad-chop-itional idk how it’s called i’m sorry method

The traditional method 🤶 is too boooring and long, Slapchop 🧤 is too mainstream and limited. Why not a mix of the two? I added little flowers to my necrons because they felt cute :3
  1. Prime Black
  2. Use "normal" colors: pick the primary one and use a big, flat brush, removing the excess on a paper towel. You should use more paint than with a drybrush, but not enough to leave weird blobs and textures
  3. You could try making gradients with less and less paint. For the rest of the mini, use The traditional method 🤶


Desaturated, muddy and grimdark. Blanche, please sign my forehead, i'm a huge fan! Juan Blanche
  1. Prime Black
  2. Basecoat with only White and Metallics
  3. Use desaturated oil paints: brown, Black, dark red or green...
  4. Remove most of it using make-up sponges and q-tips, you could add some white spirit to remove more paint (be careful)
  5. Paint details, use pigments (or a drybrush) to give it a dusty look
Shoutout to Marco Frisoni's tutorial for teaching me this stuff

Comic book

Marvel, DC, borderlands 2??? This is no place for no hero, this is no place for no better man...
  1. Prime white
  2. Basecoat with saturated contrast paints
  3. With Black paint and a small brush, or better with a small, Black marker, edge highlight and panel line
  4. Add hashtags, scratches and textures to all empty panels to give them a 2D look
Hope you'll have fun! If you know other wacky paint techs please LMK!!!
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